Parish Announcements
San Ysidro is open for private prayer Tuesday through Friday from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday 8:30 am. Adoration is Friday 8:00 am to to 4:00 pm, followed by Benediction.
Fr. McG0wan is available Saturday from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm for confessions or by appointment on weekdays.
Donations received from December 29, 2024
General Collections $ 3,964.00
SVdP $ 20.00
Roof $ 460.00
Christmas Offering $ 4,819.00
Candle $ 62.95
Retirement Fund Religious $ 419.00
Thank You For Your Generosity!
Date edited January 9, 2025
Interested in being an Altar Server? Call Giselle Bango for more details. (505) 814-9886
There will be Baptismal classes every first Sunday of each month in the Religious Ed Building at 9:00 am for parents and sponsors.
Please call the Parish office to register for class at
505-898-1779, if no one answers, please leave a message.
Date edited March 1,2024
Join the San Ysidro Flocknote!
Any parishioners that does not know how to create their own account on the San Ysidro flocknote site, please sign on with your, email address and set up a password. Thank you |
Flocknote is a great way for San Ysidro to communicate!
Devotional candles are available in the church. Donations have increasesd due to price increases to $4.00 for the 5 day candle and $.75 for the smaller candle.
San Ysidro Knights of Columbus Council 14999
Bingo Announcement
Super Bowl Theme Bingo
When: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Where: Father Hendren Hall
Time: Doors and Kitchen Open at 5:30 PM Games begin at 6:30 PM
after 5 PM Mass
In the gospel of John the Lord says: In this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for each other. In a Letter of the same apostle we read: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God; he who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
The faithful should therefore enter into themselves and make a true judgment on their attitudes of mind and heart. If they find some store of love’s fruit in their hearts, they must not doubt God’s presence within them. If they would increase their capacity to receive so great a guest, they should practice greater generosity in doing good, with persevering charity.
If God is love, charity should know no limit, for God cannot be confined.
Any time is the right time for works of charity, but these days of Lent provide a special encouragement. Those who want to be present at the Lord’s Passover in holiness of mind and body should seek above all to win this grace, for charity contains all other virtues and covers a multitude of sins.
As we prepare to celebrate that greatest of all mysteries, by which the blood of Jesus Christ did away with our wins, let us first of all make ready the sacrificial offerings of works of mercy. In this way we shall give to those who have sinned against us what God in his goodness has already given to us.
Let us now extend to the poor and those afflicted in different ways a more open-handed generosity, so that God may be thanked through many voices and the relief of the needy supported by our fasting. No act of devotion on the part of the faithful gives God more pleasure than that which is lavished on his poor. Where he finds charity with its loving concern, there he recognizes the reflection of his own fatherly care.
In these acts of giving do not fear a lack of means. A generous spirit is itself a great wealth. There can be no shortage of material for generosity where it is Christ who feeds and Christ who is fed. In all this activity there is present the hand of him who multiplies the bread by breaking it, and increases it by giving it away.
The giver of alms should be free from anxiety and full of joy. His grain will be greatest when he keeps back least for himself. The holy apostle Paul tells us: He who provides seed for the sower will also provide bread for eating; he will provide you with more seed, and will increase the harvest of your goodness, in Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
Date added March 12, 2024
Barbara Delap | Rick Ximenes I Jessica Pieniadz | Vicki Beihl
Theresa Olecksiew I Maureen & Ryan Cook I Tony Gomez I Mallory McDonagh I Audie Gutierrez | Jackie Cordova Barajas | Sylvia Sena I Miles Tunno | Gilbert Montano I Mila & the Montoya Family I Theresa Patterson | Ramona Martinez I Harolyn Sexson | Piper David Sanchez | Bill Jones I Irma L. Trujillo
I Justo Silva | Balmore Silva I Augustina Perez-Silva I Dr. Stan . Stan & Nancy Zychowski I Denise Archuleta | Sherry Mascareñas I Rafael Gonzalez | Sylvia Sena | Abi Gallegos I Maria Burns | Charmaine Payne | Stacy Sandoval I Julia Brooks I Carol Rogers I Emily & Gilbert Moreno I Sierna Curtis | Renee Lopez | Cordova Louie I Monsignor Jerome Martinez y Alire I Rick Narro | Sadie Stanley I Kurt, Patricia I Jacob, & Joshua Goeldner I
Tony Chavez I Benjamin Saiz | Kathy Eby I Stan Mascarenas | Cathy Heise I Stella Perea | Antoinette Montoya I Larry Whittaker
Ernestine Marcelli, I Rosie Nelson I Carlos Olguin I Bobby Ruedas | Kathy Marcelli | Rosa Timmons | Pamela Jean Smith | Etta Grano I Bonnie Mitisek I Mary Ann Jones I Joneve Bender | Pat Kelley | Patrick Harrington | Joseph Behnke
Date edited January 7, 2024
Dedications of the candle can be made in the Parish office for $10.00 for a week in memory of a loved one.
In the Old Testament, God told Moses that a lamp filled with pure oil should perpetually burn in the Tabernacle (Ex 27:20-21). This is the precedent for the Catholic Church’s custom of burning a candle (at all times) before the Tabernacle – the gold house where the Eucharistic Body of Christ is reserved under lock and key.